HaloSalt Therapy & Sauna

Halotherapy is a gentle and non-invasive approach to healing and stress relief.

Detoxes Lungs

draws out impurities in the lungs and can aid in breaking up any mucus in the lungs so that it may be expelled

Immune Function

improves the function of the respiratory system, inhibits bacteria and viruses from attaching to mucous cells which decreases the severity of respiratory infections

Lung Protection

can improve breathing, reduce the risks of asthma attacks, eases the symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis, triggers anti-inflammatory stimulation of phagocytosis, a process in which cells phagocytes engulf bacterial or viral particles to destroy them


can help alleviate symptoms like congestion and sore throat and can help ward off potential viral or bacterial infections

Stress Reduction & Well Being

gentle and non-invasive, halotherapy improves relaxation, which helps to reduce stress, increase energy levels and promote better sleep patterns

Natural Remedy for Skin Conditions

detoxifies the skin, boosts the vitality within the cells by stimulating cell regeneration and profoundly influences the skin’s protective layer as a great compliment to any skin treatment, aiding with psoriasis, eczema, acne and other skin conditions

Notes on Sauna:

  • Meditate, stretch, read a book, browse your phone or even take a nap as the salt particles penetrate deep within your respiratory system and become absorbed in your skin.

  • Wear whatever you’re comfortable in. If coming in for a skin condition, expose this area as much as possible.

  • We provide towels & you are welcome to use our shower after.

  • It is a common misconception that the time to try salt therapy is while you are actively sick. However, the best time to seek salt therapy is when you are healthy and using salt therapy for chronic illness or preventative treatment.

  • If you suspect that either you or your child are actively sick (or running a fever), please call to reschedule the appointment. Our ongoing goal is to maintain an environment of health and wellness.

  • If you are a smoker, please refrain from smoking prior to entering the sauna. The main reason we do not allow guests actively smelling of smoke is for our clients who have respiratory issues, like asthma, COPD or cystic fibrosis.

  • Halotherapy should be avoided if you are running a fever, spitting up blood, or have any of the following: active tuberculosis, cardiac insufficiency, COPD in its third stage, bleed, alcohol or drug use, unstable hypertension, and acute stages of respiratory disease.